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Business Translation in All Languages

Here is list of languages in which Filose works for different industries and domains. Apart from languages listed here, we also provide service for other special languages not listed here, on request.

Indian Languages

Request for Business Translation in All Languages

    Middle-East Languages

    Arabic Urdu Kurdish Persian Dari Pashto
    Hebrew Tajiki Kyrgyz Uzbek Kazakh Uyghur

    European Languages

    English German French Spanish Italian Portuguese
    Russian Norwegian Swedish Greek Finnish Danish
    Polish Turkish Austrian German Ukrainian Estonian Latvian
    ‎Lithuanian Belarusian Czech Slovak Hungarian Slovenian
    Croatian Bosnian Serbian Bulgarian Albanian Georgian
    ‎Armenian Azerbaijani Dutch Icelandic Montenegrin Macedonian
    Haitian Creole

    African Languages

    Afrikaans Swahili Amharic Yoruba Oromo Hausa
    Igbo Zulu Shona Arabic Somali Berber
    Manding Fulani Kanuri Fur Songhay Nobiin
    Luo Dinka Maasai Xhosa Sotho Pedi
    Swati Venda Tswana Tsonga Tigrinya

    Language Services for Different Industries and Domains

    1. Professional Automotive Translation Services : Automobile User Manuals, CAD Drawings, Booklets, Catalogs and Websites
    2. Software Industry : Software Localization Services, UI Translation, Language Testing, Documentation, Presentation, Product Features
    3. Industrial Translations : Industrial User Manuals, Product Catalogs and Websites
    4. Civil Engineering Translations : Civil Documents, CAD Drawings, Catalogs and Websites
    5. Pharmaceutical Translations : Pharmaceutical Documents, Catalogs and Websites
    6. Legal Translations : Legal Documents, Forms and Websites
    7. Government : Government Document Translations, Services and Websites
    8. Translations for Education Organizations : Education Manuals, Training, Presentation and Websites
    9. Translations for Management Companies : Management Guides, Presentations
    10. Training : Training Modules
    11. Translations for Consumer Products : Consumer Product Catalogs, Advertisements
    12. Technology : Technology Documents, Technical Literature
    13. Aerospace Translations : Aerospace Technical Documentations, Manuals
    14. Medical Translations : Medical Reports, Case Studies
    15. Patents : Patents
    16. Translation Services for Electronics Industry : Electronics User Manual, Technical Document, Websites

    Type of work we handle

    Business translation in all languages
    1. Translation Services – From Source 100+ Languages to Target 100+ Languages. Many language pairs possible.
    2. Language Testing – Language Testing is essential to present your product correctly and avoid huge embarrassment. It will be difficult to rectify the damage done to your reputation. Native / Expert Language professionals will do the testing. Language Testing of your Software, Use Interface (UI), Product Literature, etc.
    3. Voice Over (VO)-Voice Over (VO) for Videos, VO for E-Learning courses, Documentaries.
    4. Multilingual DTP-Multilingual DTP of User Manuals in multiple languages, Brochures, Advertise, Forms, Books, Booklets, Pamphlets, Ghraphics, Manga etc. Conversion of document from LTR to RTL languages is our specialty.
    5. LocalizationLocalization of Software, UI, Ads, Forms, User Manuals, Books
    6. Certified Translation-Certificate Translation, Birth Certificate, Degree Certificate, Marriage Certificate, Experience Certificate etc.