Video Transcription Services

Video Transcription Services – Benefits of Outsourcing over In-House

Video transcription is a specialized task that employs exclusive resources and a set of distinct tools, technologies, and software. Besides, it demands a specific skillset on the human transcriber’s part that increases the video’s accessibility and contributes to the user experience quotient.

As videos continue to strengthen their presence and use in the virtual world, the need for video transcription services will also grow in the years to come. Companies will invest in video transcriptions on an even larger scale, and they’ll require video transcribers in even higher numbers.

With such significant investments, and a large number of transcribers comes the question – whether to outsource video transcription or do it in-house? On the one hand, where outsourcing can give you a potential cost advantage, on the other, in-house transcription refers to employing exclusive resources.

But, does the idea of employing exclusive full-time transcribers alone outweigh the various benefits of outsourcing video transcription services? Not really. Outsourcing transcription services proves a far sustainable and prudent decision. How? Here are nine benefits of outsourcing transcription services.

9 Benefits of Finding Video Transcription Services

From high-quality transcription results to huge cost-savings in various forms, outsourcing proves advantageous over in-house transcriptions in several ways. Here, we will discuss nine different ways in which your decision to outsource video transcriptions will result in sustainable benefits for your business.

1. Money Savings on Human Resources

Transcribers, especially the experienced ones, demand a high salary, let alone bearing the employee administrative expenses, and employee benefit costs attached to it. Besides, costs associated with hiring, and the efforts you require to recruit video transcription professionals constitute another area of concern. All these factors come at a price, and which is where outsourcing gains the upper hand.

With outsourcing transcription services, you don’t have to pay salaries or look after employee benefits and administrative costs. All you have to do is pay the fixed outsourcing fee to the vendor, and begin the project. Besides, you save a lot of time otherwise spent hiring people, as the outsourcing company would already have a task force ready to take up your requirement.

2. Infrastructural Cost Savings, and Avoiding Logistical Workaround

Video transcriptions demand a particular set of infrastructure. It includes transcription equipment, software, internet, and computers. Each of these elements points towards a significant investment. Insourcing transcriptions require you to invest in all of them, and further maintain them as well. All these costs contribute to the operational cost in entirety.

Alongside costs, hiring, and having in-house resources work from your premises involves a considerable logistical workaround as well. Making in-house sitting arrangements, creating work desk space etc. is another set of daunting tasks that revolve around in-house video transcription management.

3. Operational Scalability

Work volumes and requirements keep fluctuating. While sometimes, you may have loads of work to do, at times, you may not have as much on hand. The expenses of nurturing an in-house setup, however, won’t change in either of the situations. You will still have to pay salaries and maintain the equipment.

Besides, the scalability of operations is another concern. When you’ve got a more on hand than you can handle, you either have to hire additional resources or manage with the existing task force. As against this situation, when you don’t have much to do, you’ve got no option but to either live with the costs of the existing resources, or have to lay off some of them.

Outsourcing proves significantly beneficial in such a dynamic work environment. It offers the flexibility of resources and operational scalability. So, you get additional transcribers when you need them and reduce the strength when you don’t.

4. Relieve the IT Department from Additional Work Burden

Video transcriptions involve a range of equipment, software, and devices. Failure of any of these infrastructural elements or troubleshooting technical concerns can increase the workload of your already overwhelmed IT department of your company.

Besides, it can also increase the incident response time, delay operations, and hamper production, as your existing IT resources may not have the necessary skill set.

Outsourcing reduces the troubleshooting, and support responsibilities of your IT team. The outsourcing vendor takes care of everything at the back end while limiting your role to inspecting the product.

5. Quality of Transcriptions

Outsourcing vendors follow SLA, and which requires them to maintain a certain level of quality. Alongside this, they’ve got access to the best technological resources, awareness about the various transcription techniques, and qualified video transcribers that are proficient with the application of all of the necessary factors.

An in-house setup may not necessarily enable you access to all these things. The onus of updating your systems, and upgrading the skill set of your resources, on the other hand, also remains on you.

6. Access to Expert Transcribers

Insourcing limits your access to expert transcribers. Sometimes, it is the high salary demand of expert transcribers that restricts it, while, on some occasions, it is the scarcity of the necessary talent that proves a roadblock. Here, you don’t have an option but to manage with limited resources or prepare yourself for higher resource investments.

With outsourcing, however, you don’t have such limitations. Outsourcing transcription companies have a large talent pool that helps you with a diverse range of resources, based on your project requirement. So, you never fall short of talent while handling the most complex of video transcription tasks.

7. Round the Clock Transcription and Technical Support

In an in-house transcription environment, getting 24/7 transcription services, and technical support is challenging on the cost and bandwidth front. But, after outsourcing transcriptions, you get round the clock technical, and transcription support, based on your project needs.

8. Timely and Customized Delivery of the Transcription Product

Outsourcing companies assign a project manager who supervises the entire project and ensures that the resources do what they’ve been asked to, and deliver the product on time. Besides, the technological access that they have can help you get a customized delivery of reports that they can customize according to your needs and preferences.

While insourcing transcription, the delivery pretty much depends on how effective your project managers are and your technological access that determines the transcription staff’s ability to deliver customized reports based on your needs.

9. Increased Focus on your Business

If video transcription is not your core business, it would help you if outsource it to a professional video transcription company, and enjoy high-quality transcriptions Besides, outsourcing saves a lot of time, and financial resources, which you can invest in strategic planning, and on business expansion plans. In other words, outsourcing helps you increase the focus on your core business

Outsource Video Transcription to Filose and get the Best Video Transcription Services

Filose’s unmatched video transcription expertise, and the experience of working with several industries in the world, qualifies it as a leading choice for outsourcing video transcription. The company provides the best video transcribers, access to the latest transcription tools, and technologies.

It assigns a project manager and the necessary transcribers that ensure the highest levels of transcription accuracy, quality, and contextual relevancy. These capabilities prove useful to your company in regards to delivering a better user experience to your target audience.

Contact to Filose’s experts on +91-20-49007800 or email to
for a quote, or to discuss your needs with the company’s transcription experts.

Ref. No – FLB06221021

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