Top 5 Global Industries that continue to benefit from Translation and Localization Services

Top 5 Global Industries that continue to benefit from Translation and Localization Services

Language is something that transcends geographical, commercial, and cultural barriers. It simplifies interactions and helps you build ever-lasting connections with the other individual.

It holds true in the case of businesses and brands as well. So, today, when you talk about going global, you indirectly refer to going local through the localization of your brand, products, services, approach, and, most importantly, the language of the business.

Although English still constitutes the Lingua Franca of the business world, the local languages are becoming increasingly critical to the success of every business in the regional markets.

In the past as well, perhaps, when the localization wave wasn’t as popular, a lot of brands attempted to penetrate the local markets of their target countries. But they met with limited success, as they couldn’t connect with the native audience that preferred interacting in its local language.

Fortunately, the situation is changing and improving. These days, a lot of global brands and industries are realizing the significance of native languages. Hence, they are increasingly leveraging localization to increase regional business and thrive in the highly competitive local as well as global markets.

Five among these global industries include banking, tourism, education, health and medicine, and the technology industry. They continue to benefit from translation and localization services that prove beneficial for them in various ways and help them penetrate the local markets, thereby paving the way to creating sustainable regional business opportunities.

So, let us see how localization and translation have been proving advantageous for these five global industries. Also, let us discuss why emerging players from these sectors must localize their brand to keep up with the linguistic needs of the native audience.

5 Industries that Benefit from Translation and Localization

1. Banking and finance

Let us begin with the highly competitive banking and finance industry. Banking players, especially the global ones, leverage localization and translations to expand their worldwide outreach.

Success, in this sector, depends on how well you fit in the local market. Hence, banks translate their content, marketing collaterals, offers, etc. to connect with the native target markets.

But translations alone don’t suffice. Financial institutions use localization to consolidate their position across the globe. The key to success in the local market is to communicate messages, offers, important updates on funds, investments, exchanges, deposits, etc. clearly, and in the local language.

As banks deal with one of the fundamental aspects of everyone’s life – money, translations that are accurate on the linguistic and technical front help them tap prospects from newer local markets.

2. Travel and Tourism

The travel and tourism industry is growing at an unprecedented rate. And, globally, with the rise in the number of tourists, translations and localization are becoming increasingly critical in this space.

Now, why does the travel and tourism industry require translations and localizations? Or, in other words, how do these factors help global tourism players increase business in the native markets?

The answer is simple. Let us consider the example of an Indian travel company that deals with Europe packages and looks forward to expanding its operations in the Thai tourist market.

Of course, the company cannot continue with marketing campaigns, websites, portals, apps, brochures, and advertisements in Hindi or English.

Its expansion plan in Thailand is likely to succeed if the company translates its campaigns, and content in Indian languages, and localizes them to ensure a deeper penetration in the Thai markets, along with combatting competition that the local players from the country offer.

But, translation and localization in the travel and tourism industry don’t restrict localizing marketing content and websites. It extends to translating critical travel documents, contracts, legal papers, etc. to ensure clear and seamless communication between the operator and the consumers.

3. Health and Medicine

Banks deal with money, but healthcare providers and pharmaceutical companies deal with an even more critical aspect: people’s lives!

The players from this industry, considering the crucial role that they play in society, must reach various native markets, and fulfill the healthcare needs of international audiences.

Besides, patients or consumers have the right to seek information relating to updates, reports, usage instructions, etc. in the local language from the doctors, and healthcare companies.

It is here that the term medical translation comes into the picture. Medical translators translate and localize a range of documents, including prescriptions, medical records, research papers, training manuals, patient reports, etc. in the region’s local language.

Accurate translations from certified medical translators that know the language involved well, and proficient at medical terms and terminologies, play a crucial role in the success of every pharmaceutical company, and healthcare service provider eyeing a new market.

4. Technology

The global outreach of the technology industry, the clients it serves, the products it makes, and the people it deals make translation and localization a must.

The scope of localization and translation in the tech space is massive and diverse. Technology players require these services for a wide range of reasons.

For instance, a tech player may need accurate translations to tap the local prospects that it looks forward to targeting. Now, the same company may need localization services to localize its software product to increase regional sales and optimized use of the product.

The story doesn’t end here! The company may also localize its technical support to offer a better and more personalized service for its clients, associates, and employees.

Besides, localization companies also translate large and global legal contracts, agreements, technical documents, training manuals, marketing collaterals, etc. for the technology sector.

So, translation and localization in the technology industry are multi-dimensional. It proves helpful for global, domestic, and startup technology players to tap native prospects from a specific region.

5. Education

Education, and especially eLearning, is another significant entrant to the list. eLearning has helped knowledge reach the farthest corners of the world and given birth to many eLearning companies.

eLearning, unlike its conventional counterpart, overcomes linguistic challenges, as you can translate the study content in the language of your native audience, and make it available for consumption.

It contributes to a personalized learning experience, wherein the user learns in his language from anywhere in the world and understands concepts better than struggling to do it in a foreign language.

Localization and translation prove helpful for the eLearning industry in various ways. Translators translate a range of documents such as eLearning software, administrative records, eLearning videos, audio files, textbooks, question papers, admission forms, training documents, instructions, for a broad array of subjects, and in multiple languages across the globe.

Localization continues to revolutionize the education sector, as through eLearning, it connects with millions of students abroad, and help them learn better through local language content.

Apart from the core translation and localization part, eLearning and education services providers can leverage these services to localize marketing content and penetrate the local eLearning space.

Why must Emerging Players from these Industries go for Localization and Translation?

Localization and translation, particularly for emerging players, bring several sustainable benefits to the table. Some of them include the following.

  • Create a broader outreach in the targeted local market.
  • Win the trust of local prospects, as they prefer dealing with brands that speak their language.
  • Create sustainable business opportunities.
  • Compete well with the established global and domestic players from the market.
  • Build a global identity through a strong and visionary localization approach
  • Influence the buying habits of prospects and create brand loyalty.
  • Establish credibility by helping local consumers make informed decisions.
  • Translate all the above efforts into increased regional sales.

Filose – Your Versatile Translation Partner

Filose is one of the leading translations and localization companies. The company works with many industries, including banking, education, tourism, manufacturing, automobile, pharmaceuticals, etc.

Filose’s expertise at over 100 Indian and foreign languages gives you the upper edge, as you can translate content accurately in the language of your choice. The company employs some of the best linguistic resources, along with a team of project managers, and technical experts that ensure timely completion of the project, and high quality and correct translations.

Penetrating the local markets demands a comprehensive localization and translation strategy. So, you cannot rely on automated translations to do so. contact to Filose’s experts on +91-20-49007800 or email to to localize your efforts, and venture successfully in newer territories.

Ref. No – FLB06221020

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