Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP): How to Find the Best Language Service Providers

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is one of the ever-evolving branches of Artificial Intelligence. It involves developing machines’ capability to read, comprehend, derive meaning out of human languages. The present-day application of NLP includes customer service Chatbots, voice assistants, question answering, machine translations, automatic summarization, market intelligence, etc.

The ever-increasing need to provide faster customer service and process information delivered through human speech has made NLP an emerging and trending technology. However, most of the machines are trained in a single language, which, in most cases, is either English or the native language of the users.

Here, considering the growing dominance of regional languages on the internet, and elsewhere, companies, especially those intending to strengthen their presence in the local market of a particular region, must train their machines, Chatbots, virtual assistants, etc. on multiple languages.

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To do so, they must partner with NLP service providers who can train machines on multiple native languages. For this, NLPs should hire the best language service provider that ensures linguistic accuracy, technological access, and technical efficiency.

If you are an NLP service provider searching for a language service provider for any of your multilingual NLP projects, this blog talks about five factors to consider while choosing the right the NLP service provider.

5 Factors to Consider while choosing the Best Language Service Provider for Multilingual NLP

These days, languages constitute an essential aspect of every business expansion plan. As an NLP service provider, helping clients connect with their users through various advanced technology machines, your selection of a language service provider proves critical for the NLP project’s success. Evaluating the language service provider on the following five factors will help you make the right choice and ensure linguistic efficiency.

1. Linguistic Capabilities and Expanse of Languages

The more extensive the language expertise, the better it is from the viewpoint of being able to serve your clients for various languages. Hence, at the outset, you must check the number of languages the provider can assist you with. Further, you must also evaluate the vendor on linguistic accuracy, quality of training, contextual accuracy, and cultural appropriacy to ensure the best results for clients and their users.

2. Technological Access

The technology ensures accuracy and expedites the processing operations to a considerable extent. Hence, it is another essential factor to consider while choosing a language service provider for your NLP project. Before you finalize the vendor, make sure that your service provider has the access and the necessary application expertise to leverage the appropriate technologies to the benefit of your and your client’s business.

3. Linguistic Resources and their Capabilities

Human speech, languages, and speech style involves a range of complexities that make human involvement imperative to comprehend those intricacies and ensure an accurate end-result. So, besides technology, the availability, qualifications, and linguistic capabilities of the company’s resources also constitute a significant consideration. You must also meet the language team once, and gauge its linguistic skills.

4. Availability of Resources and Scalability

Many companies initially assign the required number of resources. However, later on, when it comes to scaling the project, they take a lot of time to fulfill the additional requirement of people, or else, cannot do it. Such incapability results in project delays. Also, ensure that you get dedicated human resources. Shared resources may have the SLA, and the delivery schedule suffers, especially in the case of imminent and large-sized projects.

5. Industry Experience, Track Record, and Pricing

You are hiring a language service provider for your client. A wrong choice may put your client’s reputation at stake and stain your reputation as well. So, you must evaluate the language service provider on factors such as industry experience and track record. A language partner with diverse industry experience and a proven track record across projects of varying sizes increases the likelihood of success and keeps credibility issues at bay.

Pricing is another critical concern that proves decisive while choosing a language service provider. Here, the complication is that you remain bound by your client’s budget. Inflexible, and excessively high costs may incur a loss to your company, as you may end up paying the language service provider from your pocket. In such a situation, you must choose a service provider with competitive prices and flexible pricing options.

Filose – Your NLP Language Service Provider

Filose is an experienced, global language service provider. The company’s expertise extends to over 100 Indian and foreign languages. Filose works as the language service provider for a range of NLP companies. It has the linguistic expertise, technological access, scalability, availability of resources, diversity of industry experience, and competitive pricing advantage. Contact to Filose’s experts on +91-20-49007800 or email to for the best Indian and foreign language NLP services.

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