Benefits of Localization in Digital Transformation Strategy

Benefits of Localization in Digital Transformation Strategy

In the modern age, the success of every business largely depends on how efficiently, and relevantly it embraces digitalization, and how smartly it leverages digitalization to its betterment. The process and capability of companies to do so are termed digital transformation.

As digitalization constitutes the way forward, almost every business, from startups to global enterprises, has pulled up its socks to lead the company to digital transformation. According to a report, over 55 percent of startups have digital transformation as their primary business strategy.

Nevertheless, digital transformation isn’t a milestone! It is a continual process that not only involves digitalizing business processes, and decision making, but upgrading digital tools, and technologies to maximize their application, and ensure competence.

Digital transformation proves useful and advantageous, only when you complement it with strategies that optimize its impact. Today, every business aspires to grow and expand globally. Every business owner intends to explore newer markets and tap global consumers. In simple words, every brand wants to go global through digital transformation.

But, these days, going global does not refer to following a rigid global strategy that treats every market in the same way, and every consumer in the same manner.

The growing significance of local language internet users and the fact that every market is different and unique, has helped redefine globalization. It has developed a new dimension to it, and which is termed localization!

Localization complements your plans to go global through digital transformation. It contributes to the local relevance of your brand and opens access to regional business opportunities, which may have been challenging with a stringent approach to globalization.

This blog further discusses the significance of localization in digital transformation. It highlights the reasons why you cannot keep your digital transformation strategy devoid of localization.

6 Advantages of Localization in Digital Transformation Strategy

Localization poses a 360-degree impact on your foreign market ventures. It proves beneficial in various ways and helps you gain ground on foreign soil, despite the presence of several peers around. Here are five reasons why localization deserves an essential place in your plans to conquer international markets through digital transformation.

1. Establish credibility, and Strengthen the Local Market Presence

Building reputation, and establishing credibility comprises several challenges, especially where the native market is already full of competitors. But localization, coupled with digital transformation, simplifies the way to strengthen and sustain the local market presence. How?

Language is powerful and impactful to the extent that it not only wins businesses but wins hearts. Hence, localizing the web content, and speaking the language of your consumers paves the way to growth in the regional market, regardless of the competitor number, and strength.

It enhances your visibility within the native audience, and people start resonating with your brand, as it creates the necessary feel-good factor. So yes, localizing your content constitutes, and influencing the buying habits of regional consumers through the appropriate use of native language is one reason that makes localization a must for your digital transformation strategy.

2. Explore Diverse Markets around the Globe

A standard, narrow, and short-sighted approach restricts you to a particular market, perhaps, only to your native one. But markets tend to saturate over a while, and in such a situation, the only way to survive is to diversify your market and step out to explore what the world has in store for you.

Here, localization, along with digital transformation proves vital. Developing multilingual websites, localizing your products to serve the specific needs of various markets, brings your brand to the notice of the consumers of those markets, and thus create global business opportunities.

All these efforts translate into building a lucrative and diverse client base and increased revenue in the form of foreign exchange in the long run. Conventional digital transformation efforts focus on internal restructuring. But localization looks outside the window and addresses public needs.

3. Enhanced Search Engine Rankings

What matters towards the end of the day is the impact of digital transformation and localization on your business, in terms of the leads it has generated through increased web traffic.

In that view, translating the content on your website in an SEO compliant manner proves crucial for the business. The presence of local language content on your website gives you the upper edge when it comes to enhanced search engine rankings, as compared with that of your competitors.

So, when people search for you or someone like you in their language on leading search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo, they are more likely to find you before your competitors, as your website has got the local language content aligned with their search.

4. Fresh and Flexible Local Content Structure

Localizing your website content enables you to streamline content through the cataloging of your website, social media accounts, and blogs. It allows you to reassess and refresh your content marketing strategy with localization on the cards.

Besides, it allows you to create a more streamlined, organized, and flexible content structure that, in turn, enables you to innovate local content, suiting the needs and demands of your global and native audience of a particular target market.

But then, you must ensure you’ve got a reliable in-house or offshore localization team that helps you do it without investing too much time and resources into it. Outsourcing seems a better idea, as it keeps you away from hiring costs, and offers scalability of operations to suit your content scope.

5. Earn Quality Leads, and Enjoy an Increased Conversion Rate

One of the most significant benefits of localization is that it brings organic traffic and quality leads to your website, and therefore, increases the likelihood of conversions.

Localization is a better and more fruitful strategy than investing resources into paid advertisements, organizing live events, or hiring an influencer to talk about your brand.

In other words, localization connects you to people who’ve been looking out for you. Hence, it proves a far better and sustainable strategy from the viewpoint of establishing brand trust and generating business by giving users a truly personalized and localized web browsing and content experience.

6. Attract Investors

So, localization not only attracts prospects but, over a while, when your brand starts becoming popular, it opens access to investors. Further, investments pave the way to strategic alliances and technological collaborations that improve your local value, and you become a local brand.

Nevertheless, you must ensure that new entrants in your business resonate with your digital transformation strategies, ideologies, and approach. It will help you continue with the existing process, without deviating, altering, or compromising it.

Filose – Your Global Localization Partner

With over a decade of its experience in translation and localization, Filose proves a comprehensive localization partner for enterprises from various industries and of varying sizes.

The company employs some of the best localization resources, along with cutting-edge technologies that contribute to the best localization experience and increase the chances of success as a local brand in a linguistic way. The company’s proven expertise at translating the website in an SEO compliant manner and a wide range of business documents for diverse industries make it the best localization company.

Your strategy and approach while stepping into a particular market matter the most. Localization is a comprehensive approach that, when coupled with digital transformation, gives you the competitive edge, while building local brand presence, and increasing regional sales.

So, contact Filose on +91-20-49007800 or write an email to sales@filose.comfor the best market-specific localization solutions.

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