CITLoB Virtual Meet on Localization Marketing – Mr. Sunil Kulkarni on panel
Companies that invest in new languages grow and companies that grow invest in new languages.
CITLob (Confederation of Interpreting Translation and Localization Businesses) conducted a webinar on 17th March 2022, regarding “How to Improve Sales? Effective Marketing Strategies for Translation and Localization Companies. Leaders of the largest localization companies were on the panel including Mr. Sunil Kulkarni, CEO of Filose – Fidel Localization Services.
Often the most cost-effective way to grow your business is by entering foreign markets. But that’s easier said than done. Therefore this webinar helped translators, localization companies, and LSPs to grow and fulfill their market potential.
Topics discussed in the webinar :
• The understanding of long-term company expansion strategy which is also known as the “Vision”.
• Providing accurate services and prioritizing customer delight.
• Documenting the marketing and branding strategy.
• Unity in the strategy. From the software developers to the translators, everyone must be included.
• Using digital marketing as a way to grow reach and brand awareness in the market.
It was a successful event conducted by CITLob where many leaders like Mr. Sunil Kulkarni shared their priceless experience and knowledge to help localization and translation companies to grow.
Feel free to contact us for any of your language-related queries, we are happy to help you.
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