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Mobile App Localization Services

Mobile App Localization Services

About 88-90 percent of online shoppers choose their native language if it is available on a particular digital platform. In recent years, the proliferation of the internet in the interiors of many countries has resulted in a spike in the number of regional languages internet users. Since these users form a significant part of the world’s internet-using population, their preferences matter! Mobile apps aren’t an exception to localization. Alongside being handy, a mobile app offering a localized user experience is likely to succeed. So, if you are looking for mobile app localization services, we are here to help!

Ask for Mobile App Localization Services

    What is Mobile App Localization?

    Often, people use the terms mobile app translation and localization interchangeably. Well, these are two different aspects, with localization being the whole set and translation being part of it. Thus, localization isn’t merely a translation. Instead, it is a comprehensive process that involves changing and refining an application to align with and appeal to a particular group of target users.

    Mobile application localization intends to deliver a more resonating digital product that provides an enhanced personalized experience to its users. Thus, it involves adapting the mobile app’s content, videos, images, image text, menus, colors, look and feel, etc., to the local culture and making it appear native.

    Filose`s Mobile App Localization Services

    Android Mobile App Localization

    Android has the most significant app user base in the world. About three billion smartphone users use Android applications. Localizing your Android applications allows you the opportunity to tap such a huge user base.
    We provide Android mobile app localization services in multiple languages. Our experts adopt a meticulous and organized approach while keeping cultural nuances and user preferences in mind localizing a particular Android mobile app localization.

    Android Mobile App Localization
    iOS Mobile App Localization

    iOS Mobile App Localization

    About a billion people worldwide use iOS mobile applications. A significant number of these users are regional language and internet users. Our iOS mobile app localization services involve localizing every aspect, from the app’s look and feel to its content, menus, etc. Besides, our extensive team of localization experts with proficiency in over 100 Indian and foreign languages can ensure a quick turnaround.

    Why Choose Filose for Mobile App Localization Services?

    qualified resources

    Team of Language Experts

    We are a team of hundreds of language and localization experts with years of experience in mobile app localization. Our dedicated team aligns with our vision of delivering excellence and contributing to our client’s success.


    Assurance of Quality and Confidentiality

    Our extensive expertise across the localization realm enables us to deliver the highest levels of accuracy. But in addition to quality, we also ensure complete security and confidentiality of your source file. We adhere to strict security protocols to secure your data and source files.

    Years of Experience in Subtitling and Captioning

    Multiple Formats and Languages

    While supporting our clients in localizing in multiple languages, we handle several localization formats. Some of them include Android .xml, Windows 8 .xliff, .xlf, SubRip .srt, Java/Flex .properties, DKLang .dklang, .lng, Plain Text .txt, GNU GetText .po, .pot, Joomla .ini, JSON/Chrome .json, and XUL .dtd.

    High Quality Services

    Quick Turnaround

    We review every project requirement carefully to provide a logical and realistic timeline to complete the project.

    High Levels of Accuracy

    Continuous Support

    Our support goes beyond localization. It involves ensuring continuous updates to maintain the competence and relevance of your application.

    Localization Project Management

    Localization for Over 100 Indian and Foreign Languages

    This is pretty self-explanatory. Our years of experience in the business and the resources we employ to give us an edge in terms of language expertise.

    Want to know more about our mobile app localization services or connect with our experts? Please email us at We will be delighted to be your localization partner and contribute to your local market success.